Welcome to the SATH website!
Here you will find information about us, our blog posts, and our contact details if you wish to get in touch.
Scottish Association of the Teachers of History
Welcome to the SATH website!
Here you will find information about us, our blog posts, and our contact details if you wish to get in touch.
The SATH Conference is returning to the High School of Glasgow on Saturday the 16th November – use the link to sign up! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sath-conference-2024-tickets-1047839906367
The SATH Conference is back! Save the date… Saturday 18th November, Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory, Edinburgh. Watch this space for further details!
The 2021 SATH Conference was our second held digitally, and like the 2020 Conference aimed to bring together a mix of longer presentations with short ‘bites’; academics… Read more “2021 SATH Conference”
SATH is over a quarter of a century old. From its beginning it has been a forum for Scottish History Teachers to comment on developments in education in Scotland, share new ideas and resources and provide training for history teachers through its conferences.
SATH offers history teachers across Scotland a great deal of support:
SATH offers you the only opportunity to meet and collaborate with History educators across Scotland. SATH offers you the only opportunity to meet and collaborate with History educators across Scotland. And since November 2014 membership is free for all.
By signing up to our mailing list you will get an email at least once a term explaining what we are up to and giving you advice on courses to undertake and resources to use. As our database of contacts expands we will also look at how we can get teachers to meet up and collaborate more regularly in both local and national forums.
You can join our mailing list by filling out a form here.
In the 21st century SATH continues to provide views on developments such as education for citizenship or the current curriculum review. It is consulted for comment by a variety of bodies such as the Scottish Government, the Scottish Qualifications Authority, BBC, National Archives and the National Trust for Scotland.
Above all, SATH seeks to raise awareness of the importance of History within the Scottish curriculum. The Council of Europe has emphasised the role of History in developing national culture and identity. Active citizenship, we believe, depends an appreciation of how Scottish society has developed, not in a narrow parochial sense, but in the context of Britain, Europe and the wider world. A full knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it cannot be developed without History. History Education is also important in developing skills for learning, life and work: literacy, communication skills, numeracy, critical and creative thinking, the ability to make reasoned evaluations and problem solving. History provides the foundation for Education for Citizenship. It provides essential knowledge and understanding of how rights and responsibilities have evolved in Scotland and Britain.
History, and the teaching of it, is of vital importance to the education of young people in Scotland.